Elevating copy to attract target audiences for consumers' satisfaction

Copywriting Portfolio from the Missouri School of Journalism

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A mock print advertisement for a gourmet specialty Canadian pet food brand. 

This print mockup includes a pet to visualize the idea of making pets happy and healthy. The objective was for the target audience to relate to a customer’s experience emphasizing Petcurean’s high quality gourmet pet food. 

The strategy is demonstrated through the mix of art and copy. I kept it simple by using Petcurean’s signature brand color with visuals of a natural environment, while portraying a authentic moment of playing with your pet.

Death Wish Coffeee

I collaborated with a team to create a mock integrated marketing campaign for a specialty gourmet coffee brand. Our objective was to raise brand awareness of Death Wish Coffee to the consumers ages 18 to 24, exclusively targeted toward the Youth and Young People (YAYA) market. 

Meet the team: Copywriter: Me | Account Executive: Lauren Purdy | Art Director: Marlo May | PR/Social Media Specialist: Cassidy Rieke

Creative Brief

We develop our communication objective to sell the proposition of Death Wish Coffee being the “world’s strongest coffee” with double the strength of caffeine found in an average cup of coffee. 

We curated the target audience of Generation Z and Millennials segments as potential customers. Our audience research found key insights that shown young adults actively seek sustainably grown coffee beans and a growing attention to social justice. Coffee consumption increases with age up to 40% among drinkers ages 18 to 24 and 65% of Americans said they drink coffee daily

We discovered our main idea for Death Wish Coffee is it will provide a brew that will keep you awake throughout the day.  The following the concept of a strong brew to make you come alive by shocking your system awake. 

I created our tagline, “Even the dead rise and shine” to focus on the theme of staying awake. 

Rebranded Logo

As a team, we decided to use a grungy and edgy appeal that the company primarily use for its logo. The tombstone will symbolize the main concept of coming alive and emphasize the word play off the company’s name. By following the three stars to illustrate the wish aspect of the company’s name. Overall, the logo aligns with the brand’s identity already established in a modern way. 

Print Advertisement

We wanted to attract the attention and interest of “Coffee Enthusiasts” while conveying our concept of staying awake for a longer duration than competitors. Our research discovered that the target audience prefers making coffee at home or ready-to-use prepared coffee. I wrote the headline to embody our message of staying awake specifically toward those young adults who may be in college or starting their career in the workforce. 

As the Copywriter, I developed the body copy to emphasize the key benefit of high caffeine unlike competitors. The Art Director created the print to illustrate the intense power of Death Wish brew and its ability to give you a shock of energy. 

Out-of-Home Advertisement

We strategized an effective method for interacting with customers in large metropolitan locations. So, a branded street art mural for YAYAs to engage with through selfies and photography. There is a growing popularity among young adults to take pictures with beautiful street art behind them and post it on Instagram. 

For this reason, the OOH will build awareness as people share their images on social media platforms to increase our reach. Instagrammers can provide relevant hashtags to advertise the locations and raise the brand’s hashtag ranking on Instagram. 

Social Media Posts & Social Media Strategy

Our social strategy for the campaign strive to increase engagement among its followers and potential followers with the brand on social media platforms like Instagram. Young adults are enthusiastic about social media, specifically Instagram as it was found to be the most used platform by their age group at the time of research. So, we prioritized this interest by creating attention-grabbing ads and content spotlighting the brand’s identity. 

We created a hashtag for consumers to use when making their own posts with Death Wish Coffee products in our social strategy. Next, we curated a cohesive Instagram feed to visualized our concept of staying awake. Then, We made graphics for posts on the brand’s Instagram page. 

Television Advertisement

I created, produced and edited the TV ad that focuses on the need for consumers to stay awake for work or school. I curated a combination of royalty-free videos and animations to incorporate in the video. 

This commercial shows a woman having a difficult time staying awake and she falls asleep to a nightmare. Once the nightmare is over, she awakes with a sip of Death Wish coffee that further convey our main concept of staying awake. 

Contact Me

573.999.1893 | Khadijahj.williams@gmail.com